Future Foundation Builders
Secure Your Future — Build a Strong Family — Experience Real Faith  

A Family Plan

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Family Life:  How Strong Is Your Family Life?

You are the general(s) of your family. You need a battle plan for the upcoming campaigns. There will be campaigns. Most will come to you unannounced. Some will be spiritual wars, some will be economic wars, and others will be emotional wars. The actual wars might occur in your relationships, family, job, and church. You will have obstacles: finances, failures, fear, opposition, or lack of experience. You simply need an offensive plan and a defensive plan. Do you have a battle plan on paper? How will you wage war? Are you anticipating the enemy? Do you know the enemy? Let me give you a hint—it is not your spouse or teen! Do you have the right alliances, troops, and forces? Do you have a plan for how you will deal with them? Have you defined what success looks like? How will you measure success? Your plans should change regularly. Your strategy might not change as often. Each family’s battle plan will vary. I share with you our family battle plan below and associated campaign strategies. Develop your own. Measure your success every couple of months, and discuss it regularly with your spouse.

Ultimate Strategy: Love God, Love One Another, Change Lives

  Campaign Strategy Offensive Tactics Defensive Tactics
Self Better Disciple, Father, and Husband 1. Church weekly
2. Daily Bible/prayer
1. Men’s small group
2. Calendar family times
Spouse Love, Honor, Understand and Respect Her 1. Daily listening time
2. Monthly date night
1. Discipline kids
2. Do my chores; help!
High-School Child Why Faith?  College Choice, Ministry avenues 1. Youth group
2. College visits
1. Apologetic DVD series
2. Missions/volunteer times
Middle-School Child Respect & Honor,  Good Friends, Work ethic 1. Discipline consistency
2. Chore and behavior charts
1.  Monitor media/friends
2.  Prayer with spouse
Elementary-School Child Academic Focus, Good Friends, Identify Gifts 1. Discipline consistency
2. Academics/athletics
1.  Hugs/love with discipline
2.  Family devotions time
Spiritual God as a Priority, Family 2nd Ministry / Mentor others 1. Daily Bible/prayer
2. Weekly family devotions/code of conduct
1. Accountability partner
2. Write and publish a book
Financial Get out of Debt, Give liberally Pay for College, Teach Kids 1. Budget balanced
2. Give >10% missions
1.  College and 401k savings
2.  Debit cards/checkbook
Physical Be Healthy, Eat Healthy Maintain Weight 1. Work out 3–4 times/week
2.  Zero fast food
1.  Jog 3–4 times/week
2.  Take lunch/no sodas
Job Strong Ethical Leader Servant Leadership/Mentor 1.  No gossip; be an example
2.  Offer to help one-on-ones
1.  Pray “without ceasing”
2.  Mentor three individuals

Many tools to help you are available in A Lasting Legacy.


Future Foundation Builders
P.O. Box 3764
McKinney, TX  75069
E-Mail: doug@futurefoundationbuilders.com


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